Monday, September 26, 2022
HomeRVRVE 200: Start Small, Start Now (with the founders of the Dyrt)

RVE 200: Start Small, Start Now (with the founders of the Dyrt)


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Today on the podcast I’m interviewing Sarah Smith and Kevin Long who are the co-founders of The Dyrt. The Dyrt has one of the largest and most reviewed campground databases, with over 40,000 campgrounds and 1M reviews. It is the #1 grossing travel app in the IOS store with a new user joining every 26 seconds and over 1.5m people who visit The Dyrt every month. 

Sarah and Kevin have built both an incredible community and resource for the camping and RV community and before getting into this episode, I just have to share this awesome quote from Sarah that I feel epitomizes how so many of us feel when we decide to hit the road in an RV or take a risk in a new business.

Don’t just wait for some magic thing to happen in your life. Make it happen for yourself. I meet people every day who are waiting for something. “Someday I’ll move to France.” “Someday I’ll buy a van.” Who says you can’t do these things now, or that you can’t be the kind of person who accomplishes your dreams? Life is too short not to give what you want a shot.

I love this.

Sarah, Kevin — thanks for making this interview happen.

Y’all can check out the Dyrt here. Use our coupon code RVEntrepreneur for 10% off the app!

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